If you have a large inspection and 2 Inspectors/Property Managers wish to complete the inspection at the same property together, you can create your inspection on one device and then save it to the Dashboard.  This inspection is then "synced" to the 2nd device ready to split the inspection between you and your colleague, and then once completed you can MERGE your inspection back to the original device.

Step 1: Create the inspection with all the inspection areas and sub-inspection areas you need on one device (Device A), and then use the Save & Preview

Step 2:  From the other device, tap the "Cloud" symbol from the top of the inspection list> and import the same  inspection on to Device B

Step 3:  Decide who is inspecting which areas, and don't or try not to add notes into the same areas or both notes will appear after you merge the inspection.  Ideally, and as an example, Inspector A does the first 10 areas, inspection B does areas  11-20.

Step 4:  After you have each completed your sections of the inspection, Inspector B taps Save & Preview > and then Inspector A then syncs the inspection by tapping the Cloud symbol at the top of the inspection list,  and when you import you select to MERGE the inspection.  This will merge the notes and photos onto one device, you can then Submit Report and it will email the inspector and upload to the Cloud Dashboard  

Once the inspection has been merged and submitted, Inspector B can then delete the inspection from their device.

We would recommend you create a test inspection to see how this works.