Sharing Settings in PIM
PIM Premium customers can now share settings amongst your team.
Why Use Share Settings?
- Sharing Settings in PIM is ideal for larger offices where you have finished the PIM Premium trial, set up your Inspection Areas/Sub Inspection Areas, Property Profiles and Shorthand Words and now need to install those same Settings on other devices in your office as part of your PIM Premium subscription, or
- You have contacted support and wish to start using PIM in Commercial Inspection mode or wish to revert back to Residential Inspection mode, or
- You have been working with the PIM Support team on preparing a new custom-developed Settings File and need to download the Settings onto all your devices in your office.
Please note that as part of the process of Sharing Settings, you might be prompted to Restore All or Merge. A Restore All should only be performed on a new device or those wanting to start afresh with completely new Settings and no Inspections. Using Restore All, will remove all existing Settings and Inspections from your device so please be careful in using this.
STEP 1: Setup your PIM Settings and Upload
- If you want to share Settings amongst your property managers in the office, consult them and work out which Inspection Areas/Sub Inspection Areas, Property Profiles and Shorthand Words you would like to be shared and have consistency throughout your office.
- Nominate one device and enter the Inspection Areas/Sub Inspection Areas, Property Profiles and Shorthand Words in PIM Settings.
- Once that is done select Settings → PIM Admin → Share Settings (see screenshot below)
- Now select Upload Settings (see screenshot below)

- That's it. Your PIM Settings are now available to be downloaded onto other devices in your office.
STEP 2: Download Settings
- Select Settings → PIM Admin → Share Settings (as discussed in Step 1)
- Now select Download and Setup Settings
- A list of Settings shows now be displayed.
- If a property manager from your office (or yourself) has just performed Step 1 on another device, then a Setting file should be listed showing the Device and Property Manager/User of the user who uploaded that Settings File. Select that File (so it is ticked) and tap Continue.
- If you have previously contacted PIM Support and have had a Settings File (either Residential or Commercial) prepared for your office, select the file/entry titled Remote Setup (so it is ticked) and tap Continue.
- You are now prompted to Restore All or Merge the Settings from the Settings File/Device just selected with those on the iPad you are now using. A Restore All should only be performed on new iPads or those wanting to start afresh with completely new Settings and no Inspections. Using Restore All, will remove all existing Settings and Inspections from your iPad so please be careful in using this. Merge Settings is safer as it will attempt to merge your existing Settings with those Settings just selected.
- That's it. Your new PIM Settings show now be available to use in PIM!