We have made it even easier to share your PDF reports (and photos) outside of PIM. You can now share your generated PDF reports from PIM to other cloud services or apps you have installed on your iPad. Whether you have Dropbox, Box, One Drive, Cloud Drive, or are a Mac user using AirDrop, you can now easily share and store your PDF or MS Word generated reports and photos anywhere.  Another option for accessing reports and photos outside of PIM is to just plug your iPad or iPhone into the computer and extract from iTunes

If you only need to share or send a small number of images/photos, to owners/tenants or others, then you can just use our "Share Photo" option when viewing your photos.  Please refer to our guide for these options - here.

Sharing Photos is only available to PIM Premium customers, PIM Pro Plus customers can still access your photos using iTunes.

Once you have completed an inspection, you can use the Report Folder (drawer icon) to access a number of report options related to that specific inspection including viewing and sharing reports or photos back to yourself (or others) in the office, the owner, or tenant.   

  • Select an inspection from the inspection list to display the inspection home screen then tap on the document drawer icon in the inspection toolbar at the top screen to view the generated reports.

  • Whether you use Preview or Submit Inspection a generated report will appear in the Report Folder and may list the different report types generated such as Routine and/or Cleaning reports. Report formats are displayed as PDF or Word according to the report format set in Settings > PIM Admin > Report Format.  

  • Tap Options to access your sharing options. 

Your options include;

  • View Report – View the report on your device
  • Share Report – Send a copy of the report via email to yourself (Inspector), Owners and/or Tenants or sharing services such as Dropbox, Box, One Drive, Cloud Drive, etc (if they are installed and set up on your iPad/iPhone) or AirDrop (see image below).  If the app is not there then you need to download it from the App Store. See links at the bottom of the article **.  


  • Share Photos – Sends a zipped-up file of all your inspection photos for the current inspection using any of the cloud services installed on your devices such as Dropbox, Box, One Drive, Cloud Drive, etc or AirDrop. In most cases, the zipped-up file will be too large to send over email so sharing the photos using these methods is preferred.  If you would prefer to send selective photos, then refer to our Sharing Photos Guide - here.

  • Share Report Links - If you have tried to Submit Inspection and the report is oversized, you should have already received the links via email to download your reports, however, you now have the option to also Share the Report links with anyone via Email, Message, Dropbox and more. Note that these links expire after 60 days.- Share Report Links

HINT: Anyone that has access to your Dropbox links, or a similar sharing service, can access these shared files. This is a great option if you prefer to not include photos on your reports and instead, send your owners (or tenants)  a link to the Dropbox photo location and or reports.

It is a pre-requisite to install, create an account and log in to one of the following apps i.e. Dropbox, Box, Cloud Drive, and or One Drive to use these services from within PIM. 

** For more information about these sharing services, please refer to the following external links.

Any problems or questions please contact PIM support.