You can then set up as many Inspectors as you wish and link your templates to each Inspector. Just follow our easy how-to guide below:

Adding Inspectors:

Step 1:

Once logged into PIM navigate to Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors > then tap the "+"

Step 2:

Type in the Inspectors name, email address, phone and or role if needed. Your reports can be customised to show any or all of these. Generated Reports can also be sent to multiple email addresses separated by a comma, e.g, ","

Step 3:  (for PIM Premium and PIM Pro Plus accounts only) 

Link your Inspector to your customised report templates:

in the PIM app navigate to Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors > "Your Name" > PIR Template and select your office's Routine Inspection Report template, i.e. Inspection Template-ABC Realty.doc

and then

tap PCR Template and select your state's office Entry/Default/Ingoing template, i.e. WA-PCR-Default-ABC Realty.doc

and then

tap Tenant Inspection Template and select your office's Tenant template, i.e. Tenant Inspection Template-ABC Realty.doc

and then hit Done!

Adding a New Inspector by Copying an Existing Inspector:

If you already have an existing inspector setup on your device, if you are running iOS13+ you can use the copy feature.  

Once in the Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors > then tap and hold your finger on the existing inspector and a popup will appear > Copy Inspector > Copy >

If you need assistance configuring your templates just email us.  Contact Us

Step 1:  Select the Existing Inspector to Copy

Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors > then tap and hold your finger on the existing inspector

Step 2: Copy Exiting Inspector

a popup will appear > Copy Inspector > Copy >

Then tap "New Inspector" to edit the name and email to the new inspector, then hit Done to save.