Emails sent from PIM can now be customised to incorporate your own wording to suit your workflow and terminology for each of the Inspection Types such as 'Routine', 'Property Condition Report', 'Cleaning/Maintenance' or 'Bond Inspection'. These emails are used when submitting an Inspection or sending a report to yourself, owners or tenants.
1. Tap on Settings > PIM Admin > Email Customisation and choose which Inspection type you wish to customise your emails for. For this example, tap on Property Inspection Report to customise the emails that will be sent from PIM to Owners, Tenants and Inspectors.
2. You are now presented with our default email templates but feel free to customise these to your own wording whether it be for the email sent to Owners, Tenants or Inspectors. Each of the emails can include specific tags and these will populate the data from your Inspection, if it exists. For example, if the Inspection doesn't have an owner then the email will simply begin with "Hello ... "
3. Once you have finished making any changes simply hit Done to ensure your changes are saved. The email templates will then be used depending on who you are sending the email to. Check out our new guide on Sharing Reports to see how the emails are used.
4. If you use your iPad or iPhone for your work emails, then you can also incorporate your office branding into your email signatures for all your outgoing emails. Your office branded signature can then be displayed in the outgoing emails that you send to your Owners, Tenants and even yourself via the Reports/Document screen in PIM. If Mail is set up on your iPad (read our guide here if not) simply go to Settings > Mail > Signatures and include your office branded signature in there.
Note: For tech savvy users you can open an existing email in your Mail app, copy the signature by tapping it and selecting all the relevant text/images and then paste the signature into the box provided in your device Settings for the signature (above right graphic).