First step is to download PIM from the App Store and log in with your current account details.  If you are not sure what your PIM Premium or PIM Pro Plus account details are, ask a colleague in your office or email

After successfully logging in, you will need to select your Industry Type (Residential or Commercial) and Region (If you are located in Australia, selecting your specific State will help in configuring your region-specific templates).

Now you are using the PIM Cloud you can easily sync all the available inspections from the dashboard down to your new device.

If you have previously customised any Property Profiles and Shorthand Words/Phrases you are best to share these settings from the old device first.

Sharing Settings:

If you want to transfer your Inspector settings, template setup,  Inspections Areas and Property Profiles across then you need to "Share your Settings" across.  

Sharing Settings Guide - here

Syncing Your Dashboard Inspections To Your New Device:

Once you have transferred your settings you can sync your dashboard inspections by tapping on the Cloud Symbol at the top of your inspection list.  Tap on the inspections you wish to sync and then tap the Downward Arrow > then tap Import Selected > Confirm.  You can sync up to 10 inspections at a time. Refer to our How To Guide - here.

Sharing Existing Inspections: (Not longer required for PIM Cloud)

If you need your historical Inspections and notes on your new device simply Share your Inspections across to the new device/iPhone.  Remember though, sharing of Inspections only shares across data, no photos are shared across.

Sharing Inspections Guide - here

Property Management System Integration:

If you are using Property Tree, Re-Leased or Cirrus8 Integration, then this setting should be enabled if you have shared your settings across.  If not you may need to navigate to the Settings > Advanced Integrations and About the App > and Enable your setting which will load your API key.


If you don't want to share any data or settings across, then simply download PIM, log in using your existing credentials and add yourself as an Inspector by navigating to Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors > then tap the "+" or edit the name and email address.  You will then need to select your customised templates.  if you are not sure which report template to use, refer to your existing device (Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors), ask a colleague in the office or if you need further assistance then email us .

Remember once setup make sure you turn on iCloud backup by navigating to Apple Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > scroll down the list iCloud Back > ON