Using PIM With Re-Leased

Thanks to our integration with Re-Leased, you can import confirmed inspections directly into PIM, complete with relevant property information and tenant details.  

Once you have completed your inspections in PIM, the reports are automatically pushed into Re-Leased ready for you to complete your follow-up activities.

Furthermore, you can create a Maintenance Request within PIM which uploads back to Re-Leased ready for further action.  Please refer to our Maintenance Request guide.

This integration is only available to PIM Premium customers, so please contact our support team to upgrade your plan.

  • Video Instructions
  • First Time Setup in Re-Leased
  • Scheduling Inspections in Re-Leased (Covering Leased, Vacant Properties, and Common Areas)
  • First Time Setup in PIM
  • Prepare For a Successful Import
  • Import Data Into PIM
  • Complete the Inspection
  • Resend Inspection to Re-Leased
  • Troubleshooting

Video Instructions

Prefer videos to written instructions?  No problem watch the video version below or visit our PIM Youtube Channel

First Time Setup in Re-Leased

1.  Review your Property Types in Re-Leased
When importing to PIM the Property Types in Re-Leased need to be mirrored in your PIM Smart Property Profiles to ensure your import process is seamless and each imported inspection is set up with the correct inspection areas.

Re-Leased Properties will have already been assigned a Property Type so it is easiest to edit your Smart Property Profiles names in PIM to match those you have in Re-Leased.

If there are any new Property Types that you would like to create in Re-Leased you can create them by tapping "+ Create New Property Type". If there are any property types you are not going to use, you can remove them from this list.

2. For Common Area Inspections Create An Area Type "Common Area Report"

When you have a Common Area that requires an inspection you can now schedule an inspection against the property in Re-Leased.

Firstly, you need to create an Area Type called "Common Area Report" in Re-Leased. This will allow you to create Common Areas within your existing Properties which you can schedule inspections against.

To add this new Area Type, in Re-Leased tap Settings > Area Types > then tap "Create New Area Type" enter "Common Area Report", and tick the box "Is Non-Lettable" and then tap Save Area Type

Scheduling Inspections in Re-Leased (Covering Leased, Vacant Properties & Common Areas)

Inspections in Re-Leased can be scheduled against a Property or a Lease. When scheduling your inspection in Re-Leased you need to set the Schedule Date of your inspection and the Inspection Type. The Re-Leased Property Type that is assigned to the Property should also exist as a Property Profile in PIM. If it doesn't PIM will import the inspection using your default Smart Property Profile as mentioned above.

1. Scheduling Inspections Against a Tenancy
To schedule a Leased Property tap on Tenancies (1) then select your Tenant from the list. 
Then tap on Tasks (2) then tap on + New Inspection (3).
On the new screen that is shown, as below, give your inspection, a Title (not used in PIM ) 
then select the Inspection Type (i.e. Property Inspection) and enter a Due Date (Inspection Date) and Time. The Tenancy should have been already selected.

NB: Where you have multiple tenancies, the inspection TIME must be unique.  ie. 9-10 am, 10-11 am

2. Scheduling Inspections Against the Property
To schedule an inspection against the Property tap on Properties (1) then select your Property Address (2) from the list. 
Then tap on Tasks (3) then tap on + New Inspection (4)

On the next screen that is shown give your inspection, a Title (1) (not used in PIM ) 
then select the Inspection Type (2)(i.e. Property Inspection), select an Area of Property (3) if you have one or leave it blank and enter a Due Date (Inspection Date) and Time (4)
3. Scheduling A Common Area Inspection
Step 1: If you haven't already created an Area Type called "Common Area Report", then you need to create one.  Refer to First Time Setup in Released.

Step 2:
Ensure you have a Common Area you wish to inspect listed under the property areas. You can create new ones by navigating to Properties (1) then tap Areas (2) then tap +  New Area (3) (this presents the form below). 
Enter the Title of your new Common Area then select the Area Type as Common Area Report (set up in a previous step) then hit Save.

Step 3: You can then schedule an inspection against the Property Common Area by tapping Property then tap Tasks then tap "+ New Inspection" (this presents the screen below) select the Area of the Property as your Common Area (as setup in Step 2 above). No Tenancy field is required when scheduling these types of inspections.

Extra Notes: Re-Leased will show a Tenancy Inspection and a Common Area Report Inspection as below:

These will display in PIM the Import screen as below, NOTE: the highlighted areas show the Property Types assigned to the inspection in Re-Leased and how they will import into PIM.

First Time Setup in PIM

The ability to import from Re-Leased relies on information in PIM Settings so it is important to know how yours is set up.  You only have to do this once. 

1. Activating Re-Leased in PIM

Navigate to Settings > Advanced, Integrations About the App > Enable Re-Leased and tap to toggle on.

2.  Authenticate Re-Leased
Once toggled on, you will be taken to an external Re-Leased login screen to enter your portfolio email and password. The data you enter is secure and not stored in PIM.
Note: If the text on the Re-Leased log-in screen is too small, simply place two fingers on the screen near each other and then spread them apart to zoom in.  
After successful login, you will see that the settings have been authenticated.

Re-Leased has recently activated 2 Factor Authentication (2FA). If this has been enabled for your Re-Leased account you will need to use an Authenticator App to generate your 6-digit code and enter this into your PIM login.

As recommended by Re-Leased, the use of a Security Key or Biometrics is not supported for mobile devices and is therefore not compatible with enabling the PIM integration. Using the Authenticator app is recommended.

3Turn on Quick Check Labels (optional)
Another time-saving feature is to have the quick check labels always ticked by default.  To set this default go to PIM Settings > PIM Admin Routine or PCR inspections and toggle the 'Quick Check Always Ticked' to On position.

See the Customised Settings Guide for more information.

1. Set Up Smart Property Profiles
Smart Property Profiles are a way to quickly set up inspections for the most common property types of your portfolio, such as a townhouse or small office. 
With a little initial setup, your existing Re-Leased Property Types can be matched to PIM to allow for a seamless import. This will save a lot of time adding or removing rooms during the inspection. 

You can add these in Settings > PIM Admin > Smart Property Profiles.

To set up your PIM Smart Property Profiles to match Re-Leased, see the Smart Property Profiles Guide for more information.

Prepare For A Successful Import

A few extra tweaks in PIM Settings to ensure exact matches with Re-Leased fields will ensure a more successful import.

1. Check Your Smart Property Profiles in PIM match the Property Types you are Importing from Re-Leased
Your scheduled inspection in Re-Leased will have a Property Type, ie.  House, or Small Office Profile (x1).  PIM will look for the same name in the Smart Property Profiles, and use the areas within that profile to create your inspection.  If there is no match then PIM will import and set up your new inspection as the default profile set in PIM. 

You can review these in Settings > PIM Admin > Smart Property Profiles.

To set up your PIM Smart Property Profiles to match Re-Leased, see the Smart Property Profiles Guide for more information. 

2. Confirm Inspectors
Inspections can only be imported against the Re-Leased Property Manager if there is a corresponding Inspector name in PIM. If an exact match is not located, PIM will use the Default Inspector instead.

Add or edit inspectors in Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors. 

See the Adding Inspectors Guide for more information.

3. Confirm Inspection Type in Re-Leased
During the import, PIM will use the Inspection Type assigned to an inspection in Re-Leased (ie Routine, Property Inspection, Entry or Exit).  If this field is blank in the import files, PIM will use its own Default Inspection Type when creating the new inspection.

See the Inspections & Inspection Types Overview for more information.

4. Understand Usage Types
During the import, PIM will use the Usage Type assigned to a Property in Re-LeasedIf set to Commercial, more data will be imported into PIM specifically the size of the area which is tenanted (set within the Area section of your Property in Re-Leased) and will be shown in your Lease Details field in PIM

Import Data Into PIM

PIM imports real-time data from Re-Leased using the import process below.

1. Navigate to the Import tab.
This is at the bottom of the app.

2. Import the latest file from Re-Leased.
Pulling down on the screen will refresh the data files.  Once it appears, tap to open.

3. View imported inspections.
Your properties will be listed with a colour code on the left.  
Green indicates a property PIM has not seen before, so it will be treated as a new inspection.
Orange represents an existing property so a Repeat Inspection will be created. 

4. Filter and Sort if required.
If there are a large number of properties in the imported list, you can use the Filter (1) or Sort (2) options to make things easier to view.

5. Import the inspections.
When you are ready to complete the import, select the Action button (1) then choose one of the Import options (2).  
Note: if you only want to import some, press cancel then tap against the properties you want.  This will place a check on the right.  You can then choose the Import Selected option instead of Import All.

6. Confirm the import type.
The import will create inspections based on the profile and inspection type set in Re-Leased. where available otherwise will use the PIM default.  If you are happy with this, tap Continue.

7. Close the PIM File Import message.
Take note of the confirmation message then tap OK to close.

Complete The Inspection

After importing, your scheduled inspections will be available under the Inspections Tab.

Go ahead and complete the inspection in the usual way by adding notes and photos then Submit Inspection when done. Submitting the inspection will upload a copy of the report into Re-Leased, and the Inspection status will be updated to Completed in Re-Leased.  Plus when submitting your Cleaning/Maintenance Report or Tenant Inspection Report these will also be uploaded to Re-Leased and visible from the dashboard.

You will find the inspection report in Re-Leased under the tenancy in Tasks > Inspections > Complete > Completed Details. 

Notes (1) will be updated from the Our Summary field in the PIM inspection and a PDF copy of the report will be in Current Documents (2).

Resend Inspection to Re-Leased

If for some reason you only previewed the inspection rather than Submit, or need to re-send to Re-Leased, this can easily be done from the home screen of the inspection.

1.  Tap the Reports Folder from the inspection.

2Select Send to Re-Leased from Options.
From Options (1) on the right tap Send to Re-Leased (2)



For general troubleshooting on Re-Leased workflows, imports and uploads, please contact Re-Leased Support

For PIM-related questions, please contact PIM Support.

Here are some common concerns and speed humps around Re-Leased integrations and how to move past them.

1. Submitted Inspections not uploading to Re-Leased
Only inspections created from an import can be uploaded automatically into Re-Leased. This includes Routine/Tenant/Cleaning and Property Condition Reports.  You can upload any reports to your inspection manually, refer to the Uploading Reports Into Re-Leased Guide for manual upload instructions.

2.  Missing some inspections in PIM when they have been scheduled in Re-Leased
If your missing inspections are from a property with a multi-tenancy check you have scheduled the inspections at different times. The inspection date can be the same, however, the time scheduled MUST be unique or PIM will think it's a duplicate inspection and not import it.  Make your inspections times 9-9.30 am, 9.30-10 am etc.