Using PIM With REST

Data sharing between REST Professional and PIM is simple for PIM Premium users.  With a single tap, users can import upcoming scheduled inspections straight into PIM. Best of all, you can use our clever integration instructions to upload inspection reports in REST Professional once you are finished.

If you are running REST Professional v14 or v15 the REST import process now includes processing of "ExcludeFromInspection" fields and also will only process those marked properties with a status of 'Active'.

This integration is only available to PIM Premium customers, so please contact our support team to upgrade your plan.

  • Video instructions
  • Export data from REST Professional
  • Upload CSV file to your PIM Online Account
  • Prepare For a Successful Import
  • Import Data Into PIM
  • Complete the Inspection

Video instructions

Watch the REST Professional video on the PIM Youtube Channel or watch it here.

Export data from REST Professional

For this step, you will be creating a CSV file from REST Professional ready to upload to your PIM account.

1. Go to the Export Data Menu
In REST, select the Others > Export Data menu. 

2.  Select the output format to Excel
In the Output box (near the top of the screen), select Excel

3.  Filter by Manager
Select name(s) from the Manager drop-down list, otherwise leave as All.

4. Select the output file location

Type your preferred Output File Name (1) then select Browse (2) to specify where you would like the export file to be saved on your computer.

Use a meaningful file name to make it easy to differentiate from others, especially if you work in a large office with other Property Managers. Consider including an export date and your initials. PG-PIM Inspections Import-11062015.xls

5. Start the export
Select Start to commence the export and create an excel (.xls) file in your chosen location.

Upload CSV file to your PIM Online Account

You will need to upload the new file to your online account before it can be used within the PIM app on your IOS device.

1.  Login to your PIM Online Account
From your internet browser go to and login with your PIM Premium Account credentials.

2. Go to the Import Files tab
Once logged in, go to the Import Files tab.

3. Select REST Professional Format under Product/Version.
Under the Add an Import File section, select REST Professional from the drop-down list.

4. Upload Saved export File
Here we will pick up your previously saved export file.  Under the Upload a File field, click Choose File (1).  Locate the saved file, then click Upload File (2).

5. Confirm Success
A green File Upload Success message will appear near the top tabs if all ok.

Prepare For A Successful Import

The import relies on information in PIM Settings so it is important to know how yours is set up.

1. Set Up Smart Property Profiles
Smart Property Profiles are a way to quickly set up inspections for the most common property types of your portfolio, such as a five bedroom, three bathroom house. 
During the import, PIM will look for matching properties from your previous inspections.  If it can't find a match, the new inspection will be set up against the default Smart Property Profile assigned in Settings > PIM Admin > Smart Property Profiles. 

See the Smart Property Profiles Guide for more information. 

2. Set Up Inspectors
Inspections will be imported against the default inspector in PIM which is always the first one listed.  You can edit these inspectors in settings.

See the Adding Inspectors Guide for more information.

3. Assign a Default Inspection Type
During the import, PIM will use the Default Inspection Type. You can change this in Settings > PIM Admin > Default settings > Inspection Type.

See the Inspections & Inspection Types Overview for more information.

4. Turn on Quick Checks
Another time-saving feature is to have the quick check labels always ticked by default.  To set this default go to Settings > PIM Admin Routine or PCR inspections and toggle the 'Quick Check Always Ticked' to On position.

See the Customised Settings Guide for more information.

Import Data Into PIM

PIM imports property data from the online account sing the import process below.

1. Navigate to the Import tab.
This is at the bottom of the app.

2. Import the latest files from your online account.
Pulling down on the screen will refresh the data files.  Once it appears, click to open.

3. View imported inspections.
Your properties will be listed with a colour code on the left.  
Green indicates a property PIM has not seen before, so it will be treated as a new inspection.
Orange represents an existing property so a Repeat Inspection will be created.

4. Filter and Sort if required.
If there are a large number of properties in the imported list, you can use the Filter (1) or Sort (2) options to make things easier to view.

5. Import the inspections.
When you are ready to complete the import, select the Action button (1) then choose one of the Import options (2).  

Note: if you only want to import some, press cancel then tap against the properties you want.  This will place a check on the right.  You can then choose the Import Selected option instead of Import All.

6. Confirm the import type.
The import will create inspections based on your default Property Profile and Inspection Types displayed in the message.  If you are happy with this, tap Continue.

7. Close the PIM File Import message.
Take note of the confirmation message then tap OK to close.

Complete The Inspection

After importing, your scheduled inspections will be available under the Inspections Tab.

Go ahead and complete the inspection in the usual way by adding notes and photos then Submit Inspection when done. 

See our range of Inspection Guides for more information or contact PIM Support.