Using PIM Dashboard with Cirrus 8

This guide provides instructions for submitting an inspection that has been edited in the PIM Dashboard, back to Cirrus8. The PIM Dashboard allows you to save, edit, and re-submit your imported inspections, making the process more flexible and efficient.

After importing your inspections to the PIM App, you can save them to your PIM Dashboard for editing. To do this, select the "Save and Preview Inspection" option.  This option enables you to make necessary changes to the inspection report on your desktop, rather than on your mobile device.

Once you have completed your edits, you can submit the finalised inspection report.  The submitted reports will be emailed to the inspector and can then be uploaded back to Cirrus8, which will close and move the the inspection to the Completed Inspections area.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your inspections are accurately edited and efficiently submitted, leveraging the full capabilities of the PIM Dashboard

  • Video Instructions
  • Saving Inspection from the PIM App to the Dashboard
  • Editing Your Inspection In The Dashboard
  • Submitting Your Inspection From The Dashboard To Cirrus8
  • Syncing Your Dashboard Changes to the PIM App, then Submitting To  Cirrus8
  • Troubleshooting

Video Instructions

Prefer videos to written instructions?  No problem watch the video version below or visit our PIM Youtube Channel


Saving Inspections from the PIM App to the Dashboard

 Step 1:  Saving Your Inspections
By using the "Save & Preview" option in the PIM App, you can effectively edit and finalise your inspections in the PIM Dashboard before sending the report to Cirrus8, streamlining your workflow and ensuring accurate and timely submissions.

If you forget and use "Submit Report" the inspection will upload automatically to Cirrus8 and close the inspection and you will have to upload the submitted report manually after making your changes in the dashboard.

Editing Your Inspection In The Dashboard

Once you have selected Save and Preview from the PIM App, the inspection will load into the Dashboard where you can log in with your account details and finalise your report notes and photos.

1. Editing Your Inspection in the Dashboard
You can edit your inspection in the PIM Dashboard by tapping the Inspections (1) menu > then tap the "3 dots" (2) under the "Actions" column, then select Edit Inspection (3) - we have detailed How To Guide - here.

Submitting Your Inspection From The Dashboard To Cirrus8

After you have edited your Inspection in the Dashboard you need to Submit it and choose to upload it back to Cirrus8 which completes your workflow with ease and confidence that your reports are accessible to your owners/tenants.

1. Submitting Your Inspection From The Dashboard
Once you have made changes to a "Saved" inspection in the dashboard you need to "Submit" it, this is so you can generate an email of the report to yourself as the inspector, and is also then stores this document in the Dashboard for Sending To Cirrus8.

When in the Edit Inspection options as above, tap the "Overview" tab (1) tap the Box with Upward Arrow (2) > and select Submit Report > select the Report Template (which should default to the template it was saved as from the App > then tap Submit

2. Sending Report To Integration Provider

Once you have submitted the finalised report from the dashboard it will list it under the Documents list with a date/time stamp.  Tap the "3 dots" (3) next to the inspection you wish to upload and then select "Send To Integration Provider" (4), and follow the prompts to confirm you actions.

 Tap the Drop Down Arrow to Select Your Integration Provider

Select Your Provider

Tap OK.

Syncing Your Dashboard Changes to the PIM App, then Submitting to Cirrus8

As always there are other options if you don't wish to submit your changes from the Dashboard to Cirrus8.   Once you have finalised your changes in the Dashboard, tap back on the Inspection in your PIM App and then select "Submit Report" and it will email you as the inspector and upload back to Cirrus8.


Here are some common concerns and speed humps around Cirrus8 integrations and how to move past them.

1. Re-Submitting a Completed Inspection in Cirrus8
If you have submitted an inspection from PIM and need to amend it and re-submit it, just navigate in Cirrus8 to your last "Completed Inspection" and tap "Incomplete", this will move the inspection back to the "Upcoming Inspections" and remove the attached PDF.  You can then go back into PIM Dashboard and use Submit Inspection again. 

2. Submitted Inspections not uploading to Cirrus 8
Only inspections created from an import into the App and saved to the Dashboard can be uploaded automatically into Cirrus8. This includes Routine/Tenant/Cleaning and Property Condition Reports.  However, if you have created an inspection in PIM, you can easily add the finished report manually into Cirrus8.

See the Manual Report Upload to Cirrus8 for instructions.

For general troubleshooting on Cirrus8 workflows, imports and uploads, please contact

For PIM-related questions, please contact PIM Support.