We're here to listen to your feedback and enhance PIM to be even more user-friendly, catering to various industries. 

Soon, we'll unveil the PIM Cloud Dashboard, bringing along exciting features like video capture.  This dashboard will revolutionize how PIM users handle their accounts, and create an online repository of inspections, and high-quality media content. It will also enable Assisted/Remote Inspections, Online Inspection Editing, and streamline digital workflows.

Updates and Improvements:

+ Plenty of improvements behind the scenes in this update to make your inspection experience better than before. 

+ Fixed an issue where the Building name appears for Residential on the main Inspection screen.

+ Duration for Property Tree lease details are now shown correctly.

And from the last releases:

+ Resolved problems with importing from Cirrus8 that caused issues with recognising repeats from Manual inspections or data previously imported from Re-Leased.

+ Resolved image duplication problems with OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, and similar services. 

+ Improved Inspection filter restoration after app crashes, addressing search issues.

+ Resolved image linking issues when changing the Inspector; now, images are automatically relinked as required.

+ Photos can now be moved from Sub-Inspection Areas or Inspection Areas into other Inspection Areas. Moving Photos

+ When taking a photo, you can now toggle the photo to be automatically added to the Tenant Summary area. No more manual adding! Check out our guide which includes more information.

+ Improved SMS sending for ICE messages.

 + Basic - Fixed issue when submitting a Tenant or Cleaning Report. It is now not marked as complete nor has a GREEN Bar.

+ Digitally complete information that appears on your Entry & Exit Inspection Reports. Items such as health issues, water meter readings, smoke alarm information, water efficiency, NBN, compliance and more are now available for all Australian States.

+ Condition Report Improvements
    + When processing Condition Reports from your Property Management System including Property Tree, Chintaro Cloud, PropertyMe, Cirrus8, Re-Leased and Console Cloud, REST and manual generic file processing PIM now imports and shows them as they are set in your Property Management System, i.e. Entry or Exit. 
    + For PCR Exit and Entry Inspections performed on the same day, PIM now correctly recognises the dates and imports them. 
    + A new Setting has been added under PIM Admin > Condition Report Settings > Reuse Inspection Area Text to give users the flexibility on whether they would like their Notes copied from an Entry to Exit or Exit to Entry. The existing Reuse Inspection Area Text setting has been moved to under Routine Report settings.  Defaults to ON.

+ PropertyMe Improvements
    + When submitting reports, PIM now changes the status of the Inspection to ‘Inspected’ once the report has been submitted.

+ Cirrus8 Improvements 
    + Ad-Hoc Inspections can now be created on-site without being scheduled in Cirrus8! When creating new Inspections in the app simply tap the 'i' icon in the Address field and select the Property or Lease you wish to conduct the Inspection for.  Plus Ad-Hoc Inspections now support caching if you are on-site and have no network connection.