The Property Inspection Manager has been designed all along to save time and save money. By the time you do the inspection, take your notes (via dictaphone) and maybe some photos, get back to the office, have the report typed up, printing, posting, emailing, filing ... the list goes on and on ... it takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.
Faster Inspections. A history of inspections allows previous inspections to be used to make a new one on the same property. Your property managers can take on more clients.
No manual report preparation. The documents are generated on site. Now your document preparation people can do some more productive work.
Happy Customers. We all want happy customers. Happy customers stay with us and pay on time. Property Inspection Manager will help you to keep your property owners happy.
Real-Time Reporting. Owners love that their reports are timely and they get an immediate response. Your owners can get the reports the day they are done!
No processing backlog. Real-Time Reporting means that you get the reports out fast. No backlog. No leaving them until the end of the month. Have less stress in the office.
Eliminate timing issues. Faster reporting also reduces the risk that the tenant occupies the property before the documentation is completed. Owners love this too.
But aren't iPads or iPhones expensive? Next to the hours your property managers and their assistants spend on documentation, iPads or iPhones and the Property Inspection Manager subscription will seem like very good value. A return on investment (ROI) will be realized in a short time. See our example box.
Contact a Sales Representative now to discuss your requirements.