Using PIM With Chintaro

Thanks to our integration with Chintaro, you can import confirmed inspections directly into PIM, complete with relevant property information and tenant details.  

Once you have completed your inspections in PIM, the reports are automatically pushed into Chintaro ready for you to complete your follow-up activities.

This integration is only available to PIM Premium customers, so please contact our support team to upgrade your plan. Also please contact Chintaro Support for help setting up your version of Chintaro to be compatible with PIM. 

If you are using Chintaro Cloud, we have a separate integration guide for you here.

  • Video Instructions
  • First Time Set Up
  • Prepare For a Successful Import
  • Export Data from Chintaro
  • Upload CSV to PIM Online Account
  • Import Data Into PIM
  • Complete the Inspection
  • Resend Inspection to Chintaro
  • Troubleshooting

Video Instructions

Prefer videos to written instructions?  No problem. Instructions for setting up and scheduling Inspections in Chintaro for PIM can either be found in the Chintaro Guide, by watching the video below or via the Chintaro Youtube Channel

First Time Set Up

The ability to import from Chintaro relies on information in PIM Settings so it is important to know how yours is set up.  You only have to do this once. 

1. Enable Chintaro Integration

Navigate to Settings > Advanced, Integrations About the App > Enable Chintaro.

Enter your Chintaro Company Code

(If you are unsure what your Company Code is go into System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Parameters > Webservicedb column and in the Parm Text field is the company code, for example, chintaro_xyz :

2. Turn on Quick Check Labels (optional)
Another time-saving feature is to have the quick check labels always ticked by default.  To set this default go to Settings > PIM Admin Routine or PCR inspections and toggle the 'Quick Check Always Ticked' to On position.

See the Customised Settings Guide for more information.

Prepare For A Successful Import

A few extra tweaks in PIM Settings to ensure exact matches with Chintaro fields will ensure a more successful import.

1. Set Up Smart Property Profiles (optional)
Smart Property Profiles are a way to quickly set up inspections for the most common property profiles of your portfolio, such as a typical apartment with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. 
With a little initial set up, your existing Chintaro property profiles can be matched to PIM to allow for a seamless import. This will save a lot of time adding or removing rooms during the inspection.
Add or edit yours in PIM Settings > PIM Admin > Smart Property Profiles.

See the Smart Property Profiles Guide for more information.
2. Confirm Inspectors
Inspections can only be imported against the Chintaro property manager if there is a corresponding Inspector name in PIM. If an exact match is not located, PIM will use a Default Inspector instead.

Add or edit inspectors in PIM Settings > PIM Admin > Inspectors

See the Inspectors Guide for more information.

3. Assign a Default Inspection Type
During the import, PIM will use the default Inspection Type assigned in PIM Settings > PIM Admin > Inspection Type ie. Property Inspection, PCR (Condition Report).  

Export Data From Chintaro

For this first step, it is important that you have scheduled inspections in Chintaro.  

1. Schedule Inspections 
In the Chintaro home screen go to Property Maintenance (1) > Inspections (2) > Schedule Inspections (3).

Select the Inspections you wish to export and ensure the dates in the "Next Inspection" column are correct, select the Type of Inspection you wish to create in PIM from the "PIMReportType" column: This will determine the type of inspection created in PIM ie. Routine will import as a Property Inspection Report in PIM, and an Ingoing or Outgoing as a Property Condition Report (PCR) in PIM.

Then tap "Process Schedule" (4) .  This will generate a CSV file ready for the next stage. 
Prompt will confirm how many inspections have been scheduled ready to import into PIM.
Make sure you can locate the data file you just exported from Chintaro, as you need to browse to in in the next steps. If you can't please refer to the bottom of this guide "Folder locations for Chintaro CSV export data"

Upload CSV File to Your PIM Online Account

1.  Login to your PIM Online Account from your internet browser
For those using Chintaro Cloud you need to open Windows Explorer /Chrome icon WITHIN your Parallels cloud environment. 

From there you can open the PIM Website and login with your PIM Premium Account credentials.

2. Go to the Import Files tab
Once logged in, go to the Import Files tab.

3. Select Generic Format under Product/Version.
Under the Add an Import File section, select Chintaro from the drop-down list.
4. Upload Saved CSV File
Here we upload your new Chintaro CSV file from the exported location.

To browse to your data file click Choose File (1) and locate the saved file usually  F:\XXXX\Data\Inspection_Exports
(which will appear in the format PIM_YEAR_MONTH_DATE_TIME.csv.) then click Upload File (2).

Note: See troubleshooting section at the bottom of this guide for information on export file locations.

5. Confirm Success
A green File Upload Success message will appear near the top tabs if all ok.

Import Data Into PIM

Next, you will need to download this data into PIM on your device.

1. Navigate to the Import tab.
This is at the bottom of the app.

2. Import the latest file from Chintaro.
Pulling down on the screen will refresh the data files.  Once refreshed, tap on the latest file to open.
3. View imported inspections.
Your properties will be listed with a colour code on the left.  
Green indicates a property PIM has not seen before, so it will be treated as a new inspection.
Orange represents an existing property so a Repeat Inspection will be created. 

4. Filter and Sort if required.
If there are a large number of properties in the imported list, you can use the Filter (1) or Sort (2) options to make things easier to view.

5. Import the inspections.
When you are ready to complete the import, select the Action button (1) then choose one of the Import options (2).  
Note: if you only want to import some, press cancel then tap against the properties you want.  This will place a check on the right.  You can then choose the Import Selected option instead of Import All.

6. Confirm the import type.
The import will create inspections based on the profile and inspection type set in Chintaro where available otherwise will use the PIM default.  If you are happy with this, tap Continue.

7. Close the PIM File Import message.
Take note of the confirmation message then tap OK to close.

Complete The Inspection

After importing, your scheduled inspections will be available under the Inspections Tab.

Go ahead and complete the inspection in the usual way by adding notes and photos then Submit Inspection when done. This will upload all the notes and any "photos marked for maintenance" in to Chintaro.

See the full range of Inspection Guides for more information.

Resend Inspection to Chintaro

If for some reason you only previewed the inspection rather than Submit, or need to re-send to Chintaro, this can easily be done from the home screen of the inspection

1.  Tap the Reports Folder from the inspection.

2. Select Send to Property Tree from Options.
From Options (1) on the right tap Send to Chintaro (2)



Here are some common concerns and speed humps around Chintaro integrations and how to move past them.

For PIM related questions, please contact PIM Support.

1. Completed inspections not pushing back to Chintaro

Only inspections imported from Chintaro into PIM will be uploaded automatically into Chintaro using the Submit Inspection functionality.   This will generate an email of your completed Inspection Report and also push the full Inspection (including maintenance notes) back into Chintaro.

If you need to manually upload a report into Chintaro, see the Uploading Reports Into Chintaro Guide for manual upload instructions.

Please use Chintaro to schedule future Inspections. This will automatically perform a Repeat Inspection as part of that process if it’s related to an existing property. There is no need to use “Repeat Inspection” in the PIM app.

Please note that only those photos marked as "Include in Maintenance" will be pushed back into Chintaro, and NOT ALL photos.

2. Folder locations for Chintaro CSV export data

If you are unable to find the location of your data file you can check this from Preferences page in Chintaro:

To do this to go to Home > System Maintenance > Preferences > Maintenance. It will look like this, PIM Export Folder sets where the .csv will go.

Note that the path will vary from client to client.

CHINATRO CLOUD USERS - Cloud-based Chintaro location:

If you are a Chintaro cloud user, the export location should always save to F:\XXXX\Data\Inspection_Exports unless altered by the organisation.

Where XXXX is the initials of your organisation.

To upload this file to your PIM account you need to open Windows Explorer /Chrome icon in your Parallels cloud environment.  If you don't see the folders, then you are not using a browser in your Parallels.  From there you can open the PIM Website and browse to the cloud folder F:\XXXX\Data\Inspection_Exports.