To access the PIM Cloud Dashboard, visit our website. You can use your PIM App account credentials to log in. 

The Manager Role in the Cloud Dashboard allows you to view, edit and archive old inspections for ALL Inspectors.

If your user role is Inspector, you'll have access to view and edit only your own inspections.

1.  Filter and Search for Inspections
From the Dashboard Home screen, click on Inspections (1)

Here you can Filter and Search inspections:

A & B: Date To/From: You can use these fields to search for an inspection between 2 dates.

C:  Inspection Type:  Filter your search by inspection type which includes Routine Inspection Report, Condition Report or Bond Report.
D:  Inspection Status: Inspections can have various status options based on options used in the PIM App.  These include:

ScheduledIf you have created an inspection manually or imported it from your PMS it will be displayed as "Scheduled" in the PIM App.
In ProgressIf you Save or Preview a Routine Inspection Report or a Condition Report the status displayed in the App or on the Dashboard will be "In Progress".  
If you submit a Tenant Inspection Report or a Cleaning/Maintenance Report from the App it will be displayed as "In Progress". 
If you make changes to the Inspection via the desktop by adding notes or photos, and save it, it will remain "In Progress".
InspectedIf you Submit a Routine Inspection Report or Condition Report from the App or Dashboard the status will update to Inspected
Under ReviewIs triggered when a Property Manager sends an Aided Inspection from a device.
CompletedIs triggered when the Tenant has completed the inspection and sends it back to the Property Manager.
ArchivedMove old Inspections to Archived status for storage. Can be retrieved if needed.

E:  Device:  Easily identify saved Inspections. Personalize your PIM device! Head to Settings > PIM Admin > Company and Device Settings > Device Details in the PIM App to edit the device name for easy identification of saved inspections.

F: Search by Address: Search like a pro! Type the property address into the search field. Use "*" wildcards to broaden your search, e.g., "*fre" finds all inspections in Fremantle.
Based on the criteria of your filter a list of inspections will be displayed showing the following fields:
A. Inspection Date and Time: The Inspection Date and Time.
B. Last Updated: Displays the date of the last changes made to an inspection.
C. Status: Displays the current stage of your inspection.
D. Address: The inspection address.
E. Type:  Indicates whether the inspection was created as a Routine, Condition Report, or Bond Report.
F. Device: Displays the device name from which the inspection was saved or submitted.
G. User: This displays the User account that the inspection was saved/submitted from.
H. Inspector: Displays the name of the inspector assigned to the inspection in PM.
I. Actions:  Allows you to Edit your inspections via the browser (only available for PIM Premium Cloud customers), view reports,  media slideshow gallery and download media for an inspection.

Edit Inspection (PIM Premium only)View Reports, Slideshow Media Gallery or Download Media
Need help on any of the above? Just contact us!